
For my last, and final book blog I have chosen to do "Wake" by Lisa McMann. The prompt I have chosen is to write about the main symbolism in this book and how it has key elements that engorge in the book. There are symbols of love, and transportation, and a few minor more, but I will just be discussing those two.
The symbol in Wake is that of transportation, being able to transport herself, her mind into that of others. The definition of transportation is means of conveyance ortravel from one place to another. Janie begins her life leaving normal with no such power as to jump into others dreams. Around her teenage years she finds herself exploring a whole new world with no one to talk to it about because she does not want to go into a mental institute.When she finds herself jumping from dream to dream it has left her restless, because her mind is in constant motion. She finds herself looking at a boy name Cabel who she finds extremely attractive and from what I have gathered he is, but what bad boy is not? The love in this story is that of Janie and Cabel when she finds herself falling in love and growing more and more each day. Cabel is the only one who knows her secret, and he has kept it one too. He cares for her like no other.
The transportation of jumping from dream to dream is with and of itself captivating and mind stopping. First when you are in your own dream it feels like an out of body experience,  just imagine which you cannot really, but if you were in someone else's dream!
In conclusion I believe the symbolism of transportation is the best symbol in the book crowed by smaller ones that have played an important role in the book as a whole. I also believe that the symbols can be interrupted in more than one way, which was explained in my essay.


A symbol is an object, action, or event that represents something or that creates a range of associations beyond itself. In literary works a symbol can express an idea, clarify meaning, or enlarge literal meaning. Select a novel or play and, focusing on one symbol, write an essay analyzing how that symbol functions in the work and what it reveals about the character or characters of the theme of the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot.

Captain Fran Komiski

Captain Fran Komiski, Cabel’s boss, and the one who is in charge of the drug busting operation.


I;ve chosen this book for it;s deep thought and exiting thriller. This is a great book and I am glad I have chosen to read it. Probably the best book ever, because it was so easily enjoyable to read. 

Miss Stubin

Miss Stubin, an elderly woman who lives in Heather Home where Janie works. Also a dream catcher, she helps Janie realize her abilities.

Carrie Brandt

Carrie Brandt, Janie’s best friend, who usually hangs out with the wealthier kids. She is also Melinda’s best friend. She has recurring nightmares of the death of her younger brother, who drowned. She becomes entangled in the drug bust in the end.

Cabel Strumheller

Cabel Strumheller, a loner with a troubled past, including childhood abuse. Develops a romantic relationship with Janie and is the only one who knows her secret. Does not play a major role until late in the story. He has a covert identity and helps police with drug busting. He is also plagued with dreams of killing a man who Janie later realizes is his father.



Janie Hannagann

Janie Hannagann's unwilling power is thrown into other;s dreams. She is a senior now at FHS. Her boyfriend;s name is Cabel and she loves him. Her diary is where I see the flow of the book.